Jan 9, 2008

I am livid

Warning! Angry rant ahead. Proceed reading at your own risk.

From now on, I am carrying eggs in my purse. One yoke for every fucking piece of shitty, smelly, bus material on four wheels that decides to pass me RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE STOP, while I waved frantically for the incompetent driver to slow his fat ass down, and he didn't so much as bat an eyelash at me (probably too busy scratching his butt to notice my angry shouts). FUCK THE N8! The most useless fucking route in the city. NEVER AGAIN. I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you die in a fire.

Besides the utter embarrassment I felt for 2 seconds, quickly to be replaced by rage, I called Metro prepared to curse them out. Of course, I made the mistake of asking to report a complaint, and they promptly put me on hold. I don't have the kind of anytime minutes that can be wasted on listening to shitty elevator music, so I hung up and took the damn train one stop to Tenley. Waiting for the AU shuttle (because I'm not stepping foot on another bus for the rest of the fucking day), I'm sure if I could transform into an X-men my eyes would be shooting red beams of destruction, protected only by my $10 sunglasses. If I wasn't wearing chunky snow boots (because Yahoo! weather lied to me and said it was supposed to rain), I would have walked the mile or so back to my office. I needed to blow off steam somehow, so I just glared until I could get to my computer and write an angry email to Metro.

Oh, did I mention that on my way down New Mexico Ave I saw the damn bus coming up the street? Best believe that I memorized the bus number (while glaring evil light at the driver) and included that in my complaint. I hope his stupid ass gets fired. I don't even give a shit, there is no excuse for not doing your fucking job.

1 comment:

VillagePeeps said...

i didn't know you had this page. cool. you should consult tange for excellent septa stories. fortunately, i only need to look out my front window for the full show.